
Duck with flapping wings and feathers
(c) Cheryl Leutjen 2020

“But care for her myself, I could not have done. Firstly, because I know nothing about injured bird care. Secondly, because I am already at the beck and call of two crazy cats and periodic foster kittens, none of whom would have any sense of humor about adding a bird to the roost.

Thirdly, because I read that cautionary tale, Enslaved by Ducks*, the true story of a couple that adopted a single canary. They ended up kowtowing to a menagerie of parrots, ducks, geese, parakeets, hens, starlings, and one turkey, in addition to their family cats and rabbits.

I’ve never had a bird as a pet, so I don’t know if adopting one leads to such excess, but suffice to say that I would find myself single again if it did. If SweetP was looking for someone to provide a haven in which to live out her disabled life, she chose the wrong human.”

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*Bob Tarte, Enslaved by Ducks (New York: Algonquin Books, 2004). It’s actually a captivating and entertaining read. I laughed until I cried and cried. I highly recommend it.

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Book Release Date: January 15, 2018

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