Interview: Eco-Mindfulness for Difficult Times.

People take care of green Earth planet. Vector flat cartoon illustration for Save the Earth Day. Environment, ecology, nature protection abstract concept. Eco-friendly lifestyle.

Are you wondering how I’d answer any of these questions? In just eight minutes?!

  • Cheryl, you say you write to share your experiences on the razor’s edge between Earth-mindfulness and eco-madness. What does that mean?
  • Why is having a connection with Nature important right now?
  • How can we stay connected with Nature when it isn’t as accessible?
  • What are your top 3 suggestions for things people can do to help the planet?
  • Each chapter in your book concludes with a “Love Earth Invitation.” What is that?

Check out my interview on the AuthorExpertWire podcast brought to you by #AnnieJenningsPR.

Also on Spotify, Apple, and most sources for podcast listening.

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Book Release Date: January 15, 2018

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