I may not be able to hear Earth’s hum or even find my way out of the Galleria parking garage, but I do have a rollerball pen that shares some astonishing revelations sometimes. And a steadfast tree friend who’s got my back. And SweetP’s steadfast gaze reminding me, no matter how earth-shattering the news of the day, stillness is a most precious gift—whenever I give myself permission to drop the cuticle chewing, the eco-angsting, and the fear-mongering long enough to breathe. Just breathe. Eyes now closed, breath slow, body limp against Atlas Cedar, not even the blaring car alarm down the street disturbs this tranquility. May I remember this experience of peace that passeth understanding the next time I read an outrageous headline announcing news that . . well . . passeth understanding. #LoveEarthNow #stillness #ecomindful #earth |
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