Do you know someone who might be interested in sharing
the word about Love Earth Now in a big way?
- Someone who is an Influencer or People Connector?
- Someone who has a popular blog or radio show or works for a major publication?
- Someone actively engaged in environmental work?
- Someone who owns or manages a business aimed to be more environmentally friendly?

Enter your candidate to WIN
a free, signed copy of Love Earth Now
with a “Compliments of [your name]” tag.
Submit your candidates here and include:
- Candidate name
- Candidate’s best contact info
- Your top reasons why you think your candidate qualifies for the Love Earth Now “Gift It Forward” program.
- Your name and mailing address (if you wish to receive a Love Earth Now bookmark as our thanks).
We’ll let you know within 48 hours if your candidate is approved.
Thanks for caring and sharing.